1 Cast Brass Fritz T Cane Walking Stick Handle 5 Long 2 5/8 High About 1 diameter with Sleeve Connector for Your Wooden Shaft

1 Cast Brass Fritz "T" Cane Walking Stick Handle 5" Long 2 5/8" High About 1 " diameter with Sleeve Connector for Your Wooden Shaft


Shipping to United States: $5.75

This Brass Fritz "T" Cane Handle is approximately 5 Inches long and 2 5/8" high from the Top of the Handle to the bottom of the connector and about 1" in diameter. The connector is 7/8" long and has internal threads.The outside measurement of the connector is about .930/.940 inch and the inside of the threaded connector is about .795/.805 inch. The outside measurement of the thread end of the handle is about .818/.828 inch.

This handle has some pros and cons versus my other Brass Fritz "T" handle with the threaded rod connector system. A lot of Cane makers like this "Old Style" system as it is easier and quicker to fit the handle to the shaft by "carving " the top of the cane shaft to fit and secure the connector onto it. Once you have secured this connector all you have to do is screw the Handle into the top half of the connector and you are done. A strong epoxy should be used to secure half of the connector to the shaft top.

The major con is that this connection is no where as strong as the threaded rod connection of my other Brass Fritz "T" handle that I sell.

The last pro is that this handle is cheaper than the threaded rod handle as Brass content and machining is less. This style is also the style that has been made for many many years and many parts between makers will be interchangeable.

See all of my Cane Handle listings.......follow the link.....



" For Those Who Care
Information from Manufacturer about
the Type of Brass "

" Brass cane handles have around 70% of Copper and 28% of Zinc and 2% Nickel etc. for the casting purpose and in case of brass sheet products the copper content is 73% and zinc in 25% and 2% is nickel etc.

Basically the percentage of contents depends on the type of casting or molding requirements and the shape and the thickness of the products. The more copper content in the brass will increase the softness and the more zinc content in the brass will increase the hardness."

If you have questions or concerns feel free to contact me as I am happy to help if I can.

Note: All of my Brass Cane Handles are covered with a protective lacquer coating to slow down the oxidation process. This covering will wear off over time or you can remove it with a little lacquer thinner or finger nail polish remover !!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why don't you ship outside of the USA ?

I will consider and have shipped to other Countries but only after we agree on prices and shipping. This must be done through the Convo system here on Etsy and is not available for all items due to the weight and shipping restrictions on some of my items.

I will however ship to friends or relatives of customers who are located in the USA and then they can make shipping arrangements to the customers location overseas.

I didn't receive the piece that attaches the handle to the shaft !!

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The quality is excellent. Absolutely accurate description. Great looking product, perfect installation. Thank You Etsy.

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